• Released By: P2P
  • On: July 17, 2024
  • Indie


Genre: Indie
Developer: Strange Scaffold
Publisher: Strange Scaffold, Outersloth
Release Date: 16 July 2024
Store: Steam
Game Releasers: P2P


Click the tally counter to satisfy the mysterious masked man in your hotel room and experience a surreal, one-sitting narrative game with a haunting soundtrack.


In the shadowy confines of your secluded hotel room, a disconcerting presence lurks in the corner, a cloaked figure draped in an aura of silent menace. Its gaze, concealed beneath an enigmatic mask, fixes upon you with an unsettling intensity, its unblinking eyes beckoning you to succumb to a peculiar request.

"Click," the man murmurs, his voice a hushed whisper that sends shivers down your spine. "Click for me."

A tally counter, meticulously crafted in three dimensions, lies before you, its metallic surface gleaming under the dim light. It is an object both mundane and oddly compelling, its existence defying the ordinary confines of your surroundings. As the man's voice echoes through the room, you find yourself drawn to the counter, your fingers hovering over the buttons that promise to increment its digital display.

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With each click, a surge of conflicting emotions washes over you. A sense of unease gnaws at your mind, a nagging suspicion that you are participating in something insidious. Yet, there is an undeniable allure to the act of clicking, a strange compulsion that compels you to continue, despite the growing unease within.

The man in the corner watches your every move, his expression inscrutable. His presence is oppressive, suffocating, and you begin to question your own sanity. Is this reality, or are you trapped in a nightmarish illusion? The walls seem to close in around you, the air growing thick and heavy.

As the clicks accumulate, the room transforms around you. The once familiar surroundings morph into a surreal dreamscape, a twisted labyrinth where logic and reason dissolve. The bathroom door, once a solid barrier, becomes a portal to another dimension, its surface shimmering with otherworldly energy.

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You realize that you are no longer in control. The man in the corner has ensnared you in his web of deceit, trapping you in a cycle of endless clicking. You click faster and faster, desperate to escape the madness, but the tally counter relentlessly counts on, each click fueling the man's sinister purpose.

The game of clickolding becomes a battle for your soul, a test of your endurance and sanity. As the night wears on, you lose track of time, trapped in a hypnotic trance. The man's gaze intensifies, his presence looming larger and more menacing with each passing moment.

Finally, as the first rays of dawn pierce through the cracks in the curtains, the man speaks once more. "You are free to go," he whispers, his voice barely audible above the sound of your own ragged breathing.


You stumble out of the hotel room, forever changed by the horrors you have endured. The tally counter lies forgotten on the bedside table, a grim reminder of your encounter with the Original Clickold.


  • - Uncover the dark secrets behind the "CLICKOLDING" phenomenon!
  • - Experience a haunting narrative that unfolds with each click of the tally counter.
  • - Witness the creepy transformation of the masked man as you play.
  • - Immerse yourself in a surreal world with its own distinct atmosphere.
  • - Enjoy an exquisite blend of detailed graphics, mature storytelling, and haunting jazz music.

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System Requirements for CLICKOLDING

CLICKOLDING requires a Windows 10 64-bit operating system for optimal performance. It is recommended that your processor be a quad-core Intel or AMD running at a speed of 2.5 GHz or higher. The game requires a minimum of 8 GB of RAM for smooth gameplay. In terms of graphics, any card compatible with DirectX 11 or 12 will suffice. Lastly, ensure that you have at least 2 GB of available storage space on your hard drive to accommodate the game files.

  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD 2.5 GHz or superior
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Any DirectX 11 or 12 compatible card
  • Storage: 2 GB available space

How to Download CLICKOLDING PC Game

1. Extract Release
2. Launch The Game
3. Play!

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