Sayuki, a cute and powerful snow goddess, embarks on an exciting quest to save her beloved human boy from the evil curse of the demon in the world of Japanese myth. Experience a blast from the past with…
In the Charm Game, players click on cards to reveal their numbers. If two cards with the same number are revealed at the same time, they will disappear. If all the cards are eliminated, the level is successfully…
In "Anyone There?", a first-person horror game, you are tasked with investigating a school where a Creature has been released. You must search the clues to uncover its identity before it discovers you.…
Barbershop Simulator VR is an immersive game where you can become the best barber in town! You must brush, shave, color, and wash customers' hair according to their specifications, while also keeping…
Wick Sugar, a modern alchemist girl, discovers a mysterious sixth Spring element while slaying evil spirits. With your help, she must defeat the spirits and their powerful Spring element, while unlocking…
Kholat is an exploration adventure game with horror elements, narrated by British actor Sean Bean, based on the true event known as the Dyatlov Pass Incident. The game encourages players to explore the…
In J. Edgar Hoover's Empire Game, players take on the role of the legendary FBI Director and fight against organized crime, the Ku Klux Klan, the Black Panthers, the communists and the Weatherman Underground…
In The Backrooms: Liminal Reality Game, you explore mysterious and surreal liminal spaces in an attempt to find your way out, all the while feeling like you are in a dream or have entered one of your…
Broombot Battlegrounds is a frenetic physics-based arena combat game where up to four players battle it out as adorable household cleaning robots. Compete in cage matches with your friends or enemies…
Escape Down Game is an adventure game in Spanish in which players take on the role of a prisoner trying to escape from captivity. Players will explore dungeons full of enemies and bosses, gathering materials…