Sophie the Alchemist embarks on a mysterious journey away from her hometown of Kirchen Bell, in search of adventure. Along the way she learns of a mysterious dream and sets out to discover its secrets,…
Tale of Immortal is an open-world sandbox game based on Chinese mythology and cultivation. Players will embark on a journey to become immortal, fighting beasts from the Classic of Mountains and Sea and…
In Edge Of Eternity, players take part in an epic turn-based adventure alongside Daryon and Selene as they search for a cure to the Corrosion. This JRPG-inspired game was developed by a small team of…
Karagon is an open world, post apocalyptic survival game where you must craft equipment, explore multi-floor buildings, build and farm, uncover schematics and progress through technology tiers in order…
Escape Down Game is an adventure game in Spanish in which players take on the role of a prisoner trying to escape from captivity. Players will explore dungeons full of enemies and bosses, gathering materials…
Travel the world of Runegea as a Rune Teller, recruiting party members and crafting items to fulfill the requests of the locals. Uncover the mystery behind your resurrection as you complete your journey.
In Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption, you enter a dark, dangerous world and must take on your arch-enemy, the powerful vampire lord Vukodlak, in an epic battle of wills. Along the way, you will be…
Fabled Lands is a classic open-world RPG set in a war-torn kingdom. Players can embark on exciting quests, fight powerful enemies, trade goods and items, and develop their character. Players can explore…
The Scroll of Taiwu is an indie game based on Chinese mythology and Wuxia tales. Players will take on the role of a "successor of Taiwu" and fight to change the fate of humankind by defeating their greatest…
In Love Quest Game, you take on the challenge of finding your sweetheart by talking to girls, avoiding trolls, and playing videogames. This dark comedy combines environmental storytelling, stealth, and…