Download Space Haven (GOG)

Space Haven Game Details

Title: Space Haven
Genre: Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Bugbyte Ltd.
Publisher: Bugbyte Ltd.
Release Date: 21 May 2020
Store: Gog
Game Releasers: P2P

About Space Haven Game

Embark on a space voyage, build and customize your own spaceship, manage the needs and moods of your crew, explore the universe, and engage in tactical ship-to-ship combat in the spaceship colony sim game Space Haven.

Space Haven Download Free

Embark on a thrilling space voyage in the captivating game, Space Haven. Join a motley crew of civilians as they set out on a quest to find a new home among the stars. In this spaceship colony sim, you'll have the opportunity to build and customize your own spaceships tile by tile, create optimal gas conditions, manage the needs and moods of your crew, encounter other space-faring groups, and explore the vast universe.

One of the key features of Space Haven is the complete freedom it offers in shipbuilding. You can design and construct your spaceship or station exactly as you desire, placing each piece of ship hull, wall, door, and facility wherever you see fit. Whether you prefer a symmetrical and streamlined design or a whimsical and asymmetrical look, the choice is yours. Break free from conventional spaceship designs found in science fiction literature and unleash your creativity.

To ensure the survival of your crew, it's crucial to maintain optimal oxygen and CO2 levels. You'll need to build life support modules to regulate these gases and create a habitable environment for your crew members. However, be wary of hazardous gases that can be released by certain facilities or explosions. To purify the air, construct scrubbers that can remove these toxic substances.

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Temperature and power management are also essential aspects of maintaining a functional spaceship. Build thermal regulators to control and maintain an ideal temperature for your crew members. Additionally, set up power nodes and establish a power distribution system throughout the ship to ensure a steady supply of electricity.

Comfort plays a significant role in the well-being of your crew. Be mindful of the placement of facilities, as building a bed right next to the ship core, for example, can disturb sleep. Design your ship with crew comfort in mind to promote a harmonious and content atmosphere.

The isometric tile-based gas system in Space Haven adds a layer of realism to the game. It simulates various gases, temperature changes, and crew comfort levels on your spaceship. Humans, plants, and facilities all react to the surrounding conditions, making it crucial to consider these factors when designing your ship. Secure facilities, optimize crew survival and well-being, and be prepared for potential accidents or chaos caused by crew combat or environmental hazards.

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Each crew member in Space Haven possesses their own unique set of skills and traits. Some crew members may excel in certain areas, while others may struggle. For example, a wimp might have difficulty handling a gun, while someone with an iron-stomach can withstand any type of food without adverse effects. Take these individual traits into account when assigning tasks and responsibilities to your crew members.

The mood of your crew members also plays a vital role in their overall well-being. A happy crew member requires access to food, sleep, comfort, safety, and friendship. If any of these needs are neglected, their mood will be affected. Keep an eye on various conditions that can impact their emotions, such as adventure, starvation, or unhygienic conditions.

In Space Haven, your crew members are not mere robots. The game simulates their needs, moods, health, and skills, allowing them to develop relationships with one another. Their past occupations and hobbies influence their skills and knowledge, and they possess both positive and negative traits. As you journey through space in search of a new home, you'll witness joyful moments, periods of depression, and dramatic events involving different crew members.

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Beyond spaceship construction and crew management, Space Haven also offers exciting away missions. Equip your crew members and organize teams to explore derelict ships, visit stations, or interact with spaceships belonging to other factions. Engage in combat by drafting and moving your crew members strategically. Each crew member has their own unique inventory, allowing you to equip them with pistols, rifles, grenades, and more.

During away missions, you may come across cryopods containing individuals who were frozen in time aboard derelict ships. Some may join your crew, adding new dynamics and backstories to the game. Witness the interactions between your crew members and the newly arrived individuals as they adapt to life aboard your spaceship.

Space Haven also introduces aliens into the mix. These extraterrestrial beings can incapacitate your crew members and capture them alive. You'll have to decide whether to attempt a daring rescue or leave them to suffer in the alien lair. Explore derelict ships and discover members of the original crew who were captured by the aliens, adding intrigue and depth to the storyline.

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Engage in intense combat with enemy factions or alien species. Watch as your crew members take battle stations and fight against the enemy in ship-to-ship battles. Experience the adrenaline rush as your crew loads turrets with projectiles, extinguishes fires caused by explosions, patches hull breaches, and repairs vital facilities all while in the midst of battle.

Tactical decision-making is crucial during combat. Targeting the enemy ship's engines can prevent them from escaping, while they may attempt to do the same to you. Choose whether to engage their turrets directly or focus on disabling their ship core, causing their vessel to go dark. Construct shields to protect the most vital segments of your ship from damage.

The consequences of battle in Space Haven are realistic and impactful. A single hit or explosion can trigger a chain reaction of fire, smoke, hazardous gases, and even hull breaches for both parties involved. Cooperation and coordination among all crew members are necessary to secure victory.

To protect your crew from the side effects of interstellar travel, you can place them in cryopods. This freezing process halts the progression of diseases or allows them to await rescue if necessary. Additionally, you'll need to establish a medical room to treat crew members for injuries, wounds, and diseases. Various medical conditions can affect crew members in different ways, so having a skilled doctor on board is essential.

One of the exciting aspects of Space Haven is the generation of a new procedurally generated galaxy with each playthrough. Explore diverse planets, asteroids, stations, and spaceships belonging to other factions. Interact with various groups, including pirates, merchants, slave traders, cultists, and more. Develop relationships with different factions as you trade resources, mine raw materials, and refine them into building materials.

Space Haven offers a range of thrilling and unexpected events. Discover activated cryo chambers aboard derelict ships, granting you new crew members. Hold space burials for fallen crew members to allow their comrades to bid them farewell. Grow plants using biomass and water recycled from toilets, demonstrating resourcefulness in a challenging environment. In times of desperation, you may even resort to cannibalism by consuming the meat of fallen crew members or invaders.

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Space Haven, where every decision you make holds consequences for your crew members and the future of your space colony. With its engaging gameplay mechanics, rich storytelling, and stunning visuals, Space Haven is a must-play for fans of simulation and strategy games. Prepare to embark on an epic space adventure and shape the destiny of your crew in this extraordinary game.

Space Haven Key Features

  • 1. Embark on an epic space voyage with your ragtag crew of civilians in search of a new home.
  • 2. Build and customize your own spaceship or station, placing every piece of ship hull, wall, door, and facility wherever you want.
  • 3. Manage the needs and moods of your crew members, ensuring they have food, sleep, comfort, safety, and friends for a happy and productive crew.
  • 4. Experience a realistic simulation of gas conditions, oxygen and CO2 levels, temperature, and power distribution on your spaceship.
  • 5. Watch as your crew members develop skills and traits, affecting their abilities and reactions in various situations.
  • 6. Deal with different conditions that can affect your crew's mood, such as adventure, starvation, hygiene, and overeating.
  • 7. Witness the drama and relationships that unfold among your crew members as they journey through space.
  • 8. Equip your crew members and organize away teams to explore derelict ships, visit stations, or interact with other factions.
  • 9. Engage in intense ship-to-ship combat with enemy factions or alien species, strategically targeting their engines or ship core.
  • 10. Rescue your captured crew members from alien lairs, or make the difficult decision to leave them behind.
  • 11. Build shields, turrets, and battlestations to defend your ship during combat, while your crew members work together to repair damage.
  • 12. Utilize cryopods to freeze crew members' progression of diseases or await rescue.
  • 13. Treat injuries, wounds, and diseases in your medical room, hoping your doctor doesn't leave any surgical tools behind.
  • 14. Explore a procedurally generated galaxy with planets, asteroids, stations, and spaceships of other factions in each playthrough.
  • 15. Interact with various factions, such as pirates, merchants, slave traders, and cultists, developing relationships and trading resources.
  • 16. Encounter unique and unexpected events, such as finding activated cryo chambers, having space burials, growing plants with recycled water from toilets, or even resorting to cannibalism in extreme circumstances.
  • 17. Experience the thrill of space exploration, survival, and strategic decision-making in this gripping spaceship colony sim.

Space Haven Gameplay

System Requirements for Space Haven

Space Haven is a space simulation game that requires a Windows 7 or 10 operating system. To run the game smoothly, a minimum processor speed of 1.8 GHz is recommended. Additionally, the game requires at least 1 GB of RAM to ensure optimal performance. A 128MB 3D OpenGL 2.0 Compatible video card is necessary for graphics rendering. Players should have at least 250 MB of available storage space on their computer to install and run the game successfully.

  • System: Windows 7 / 10
  • Processor: 1.8 Ghz Processor
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 128MB 3D OpenGL 2.0 Compatible video card
  • Storage: 250 MB available space

How to Download Space Haven PC Game

1. Extract Release
2. Launch The Game
3. Play!

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